Sunday, March 9, 2008

The Environment and Me

To be honest I didn’t realize how serious the issue about the environment/global warming was till last year. To think about there was very few things that I did to help the environment, everything that I did was pretty much to affect it, and sure that I wasn’t the only one. However, I decided to cooperate so I could feel good about myself, and also because I want this “earth” to be clean. I used to do all sorts of things to affect the environment, for instance letting the water run continuously, having the lights in the house on all day, driving even though it was next block, to be honest I just didn’t care about what was going on, I thought it wasn’t that big of a deal, I guess I was wrong. However, I am getting better at helping the environment, for example my latest plan is to buy a “Hybrid” car, I will feel very good about myself when I accomplished that.

When it comes to my house, we changed all the light bulbs and purchased the ones with energy star, I’m trying to get better at turning off the lights when I don’t need to use them, same thing with the water, I still leave the water running when I’m brushing my teeth or doing the dishes, I really don’t use a lot of paper for printing or writing, most of the time I just use e-mail, and because I don’t know how to cook, whenever I need to warm up some food I use the microwave instead of the stove or oven.

1 comment:

Doctor X said...

Since you will be a business major, you may want to investigate how to create a "green" business (or how to "green" an existing one). You know this knowledge will make you extra marketable when you graduate...